Sunday, December 6, 2009

The List: Blair Murphy

Miss 1. Always having an excuse to be late because of the buses 2. The drinking age 3. Being a 30 minute $1 bus ride from the beach 4. Late night taxi rides 5. 2 days of class a week 6. Queso Ruffles 7. Starbucks at Gran Plaza 8. Zucarritas 9. Everyone in the clubs knowing the words to “I gotta feeling” even if they don’t know English 10. Fanny Lu 11. Our Mex Friends 12. Sushi and Cielo Thursdays 13. Fusion Fridays (at the Toose) 14. Pesos 15. Omar saying preguntita 16. Erin saying “ah si si si” 17. Keach saying “Papuuuusa” 18. Pool Parties 19. The clever pick up lines 20. Saraita, Kiki and Alexa 21. The adventures of Kit and Keach 22. Drinking for Free 23. Saying the word Heather and having 2 boys respond 24. Free shots of tequila 25. Cereal with coke Won’t Miss 1. Waiting an hour for a bus in the rain 2. Cockroaches the size of Texas 3. Picaduras (bug bites) 4. Unidentifiable smells in the streets 5. Ants…everywhere 6. The Burger King Smell 7. Stepping in Widdle’s pee 8. Getting out of the shower and immediately starting to sweat again 9. Being whistled at everywhere we go 10. Mexican dogs barking at us (I think they have something against Gringas) 11. Our week of lost belongings 12. Not being able to flush toilet paper 13. Cops following us and calling us out with their megaphones

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